Thursday, October 15, 2015

How to: Predator Proof your Chicken Coop

The best defense is a good offense - when you are building your coop put wire under the ground beneath the coop to stop predators from digging in from below. Rats and many other animals will do it - they are sneaky.

Dig about three to six inches of dirt beneath where you are planning to build and put small mesh chicken wire on the ground.  Connect this wire to the foundation or sides of the coop, then cover with dirt and built the coop up from there.

When I was a kid I raised ducks and one of the saddest days was when I went out to see how Tina was doing on her nest and a raccoon had actually pulled her through the coop wire and eaten her. I cried for days. That was when we got really fine mesh wire for the coop sides rather than regular chicken wire. I suggest you do the same to avoid any sad sad days…

A metal roof is also a good idea to keep predators out, make sure its secure. Its much harder for animals to chew through metal! I also put food and straw in metal bins to keep predators from smelling any potential food.

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