Sunday, August 30, 2015

Egg Color

Henrietta's Green Easter Egg and Peppers Brown Speckled Egg

They are like Easter eggs - you don't need to color them!  I have always been amazed that you can tell what color the chicken's eggs will be by the color of their earlobes…you heard me correctly…their earlobes.  If they have white earlobes you will get white eggs.  When I tell people this they always smile - they didn't even know chickens HAD earlobes!

Oh and don't expect the eggs to always come out of the nesting box clean, they sometimes have hay or chicken poo on them.  You can rub it off or wash it off with some soap and water…but be aware that if you wash your eggs you will remove the natural protection layer and thus need to refrigerate them to keep them fresh. 

I'm off to clean the coop and collect eggs now!  

- Rita

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