
Hi! I'm Rita, the Urban Chicken Whisperer...

My name is Rita, and I am a Seattle-based urban chicken whisperer. I started wrangling chickens about 5 years ago as a family project. I thought it would be fun to build a coop and get chicks as family bonding. My kids, Allie and Nick, were teenagers and I thought it might be a fun experiment for them and give us something to talk about in the evenings. I had also raised ducks as a child and knew a fair amount about birds.Well, it has certainly been an experience!  

Chickens are unique and complex creatures, not stupid as some suggest. You develop a fondness for them as pets... who knew they each would have their own personalities, come when you call, and have a wide vocabulary of sounds. Stella (one of our dearly departed chickens) used to sit on my husband's shoulder while he walked around the yard, Pepper follows me gardening and coos at me quietly, and Cocoa is a devil chicken and reminds me of a dinosaur raptor. I have lots of stories to tell and advice to dispense - I've had just about every chicken challenge that you can imagine - so let the sharing begin!

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