Meet the Girls

Breed: Barred Rock
Nickname: Pep, Peppity-Pep, Peg-leg
Quick Fact: Pepper has bumble foot and a missing comb

Our oldest and one of the origincal chickens, Pepper is at the very top of the pecking order. Pepper lays brown spotted eggs. 

Breed: Amauercana
Nickname: Henny, Hen, Henny-Penny, Dummy
Quick Fact: Henny is a bearded chicken & she lays green eggs

Henrietta is hardy.  She is horrible at drinking water, even as a chick she stuck her whole head in the dish.  She has a ruff like a lion.

Breed: Thai Fighting Chicken
Nickname: Evil Chicken, Devil, Maleficent
Quick Fact: Cocoa had a sibling who turned out to be a rooster!

Cocoa is "misunderstood."  She does chase all the girls but we want to believe she is just exercising them!


Breed: Golden Laced Wyandotte
Nickname: Nuggy, Nugster
Quick Fact: Nugget was named by my son - he thought she looked
like a gold nugget

Nugget is scrappy - she is the youngest and smallest of the chickens, but she knows how to hold her own. 


Breed: Rhode Island Red
Nickname: Edie
Quick Fact: Edith is a food hog and an eating machine

Edith is named after the middle daughter from Downton Abbey.  She has red hair (feathers)  and kinda spaces out, then runs to catch up with the others.  She is the best at snatching bugs right from the air, and she has laser precision when pecking small particles of food off any surface!


Breed: Black Sex Link
Nickname: Pru, Prudie
Quick Fact: Prudence may be part mermaid. See feathers above.

Pru was supposed to be totally black - but as you can see she is gold and green as well.  She is at the top of the pecking order in our newest clutch - Prudence, Nugget and Edith - still waiting for where she will ultimately fall out.

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