Friday, August 21, 2015

Welcome to my Yard

Pepper hanging out in the Oasis

Its a postage stamp size, but in an urban environment it allows the chickens enough room to roam and vegetation to urban oasis!  Apples fall on the lawn for them to peck, blueberry bushes provide hours of entertainment as they hop straight up in the air to pluck them, bugs and dragonflies circle the flowers and the grass is organic and delicious. 

The Coop du Jour

I thought the yard was missing some life, so chickens were just the ticket!  I would have hours of fun watching them run around, clean up all my bugs and lay me beautiful eggs every morning.  This is all true but like anything in life there is the dark side.  There is poop to scoop, diseases to deal with and molting happens!  Still its worth the bit of work it takes and I enjoy the challenge...I am the Urban Chicken Whisperer after all...

- Rita

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